We’ve Done it Again: Kwalee Secures a Spot in Pocket Gamer’s Top Mobile Game Makers for 2023

Celebrating a Year of Phenomenal Achievements


What a fantastic journey it’s been! We’re thrilled to announce that Kwalee has once again found its place on Pocket Gamer’s esteemed Top 50 Mobile Game Makers list for 2023! This marks our fifth consecutive year on the list, and we’re immensely proud to be recognised for our innovation, quality, and impact on the mobile gaming sector.

Chart-Toppers and Game-Changers


Kwalee Shines in data.ai’s Top Publisher Awards 2023

As the mobile games industry continues its meteoric rise, so does the pedigree of those recognised as its top publishers. This year, data.ai, the industry’s first Unified Data AI platform, unveiled its list of the most innovative and successful mobile app companies around the globe in their highly anticipated Top Publisher Awards 2023. 


Meet Our New Vice President of HR: Adrian Garton

We’re excited to announce that Adrian Garton has officially joined the Kwalee family as our new VP of HR!  A veteran with over 25 years of talent experience, Adrian brings his vast knowledge of organisational management to build upon Kwalee’s robust, open culture.


Celebrating the QA Team – The Unsung Heroes in the Video Game Industry

What’s it like to be one of the heroes in the video game industry? To sum it up in a couple of words: Fun, exciting, difficult, and most of all, purposeful. Being a quality assurance tester is not an easy job. But many in the games industry don’t talk enough about them.


We sat with two of our senior team members from the QA department to talk us through what aspiring QA folks can look forward to.


What can you tell us about being a quality assurance tester?


5 Profitable Game Development Technologies on the Rise

Exploring interesting options for a game you’re making? Try exploring one of these game development technologies aiming to break through into the mainstream.


Game development technologies are rapidly changing how the industry itself works. As more cutting-edge games try, succeed and fail, we get to understand these technologies better, so you can learn how to use them to your advantage. In this article, we’ll go through five game development technologies on the rise that you could consider exploring when making your game.


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